Web Design » Canva » Can I Use Canva Pro Images?

Can I Use Canva Pro Images?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 12:30 pm

As a professional graphic designer, I am often asked by friends and family if they can use my Canva Pro subscription to make printables, logos, or other graphics for their own personal or business use. While I love sharing my design skills with others, I also want to make sure that people are using Canva Pro in accordance with the terms of service set forth by Canva.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that Canva Pro is a subscription-based service that allows users to access additional features and resources not available on the free version of Canva. This means that users who do not have a Canva Pro subscription are not able to access or use any of the resources available through a Pro account.

So, can people without a Canva Pro subscription use images from my account? The answer is yes… but with some caveats.

Non-subscribers can only access images that have been specifically designated as “free” by the creator. Any images that are part of a paid collection, or that require a credit to download, cannot be accessed by non-subscribers.

PRO TIP: Can I Use Canva Pro Images?

If you are thinking about using Canva Pro Images, you should be aware that there are a few things you need to know before using them. First, you need to have a Canva Pro account in order to access and download the images. Secondly, the images are only available for personal use and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Finally, when using Canva Pro Images, you should always credit the source.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that even though someone may have access to an image through your account, they will not be able to edit or make changes to the image without first downloading it. This means that if you’ve made any customizations or adjustments to an image before sharing it with someone, those changes will not be reflected in the version that they download.

So, while non-subscribers can technically use some of the images from your account, it’s important to consider whether or not you want them to have access to all of your content. If you’d prefer to keep your account private, you can always create a separate account specifically for sharing images with others.

In conclusion, while non-Canva Pro users can technically use some of the images from your account, it’s important to consider whether or not you want them to have access to all of your content.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.