Web Design » Photoshop » Can Photoshop Convert to SVG?

Can Photoshop Convert to SVG?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 8:22 pm

When it comes to graphics, Adobe Photoshop is the queen of the hill. And while it can create stunning graphics with ease, there are times when you may want to turn your Photoshop artwork into a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG).

Can Photoshop Convert to SVG?

Yes, Photoshop can easily convert your artwork into a Scalable Vector Graphic. All you need is a bit of knowledge about SVG and Photoshop, and you’re good to go.

First, you’ll need to understand what SVG is. SVG is a vector graphic format that is supported by most modern browsers.

This means that your artwork will look crisp and clean when displayed on a web page or in an email.

PRO TIP: When converting from Photoshop to SVG, it is important to note that not all features will be preserved. This includes things like layer styles, adjustment layers, raster images, and text. Additionally, some features may be converted with loss of fidelity, such as gradients and certain filters.

Next, you’ll need to get comfortable with Photoshop’s vector tools. These tools allow you to create intricate designs with ease.

Once you have a few basics down, converting your artwork into a SVG should be a breeze.


In conclusion, yes, Photoshop can easily convert your artwork into a Scalable Vector Graphic.

So next time you need to create a stunning graphic, give Photoshop a try. You may be surprised just how easy it is to convert your artwork into a vector format!.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.