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Can Someone Block You on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:20 pm

There are a few reasons why someone might want to block you on Fiverr. Maybe you messed up an order, or maybe the buyer wasn’t happy with your work.

Whatever the reason, if you’ve been blocked, it’s not the end of the world. Here’s what you need to know about being blocked on Fiverr.

What Happens When You’re Blocked?

When you’re blocked, the buyer can no longer contact you through Fiverr. This means they can’t send you messages, leave feedback, or even view your gig. They also won’t be able to leave a review, which could hurt your chances of getting future orders.

If you try to contact the buyer, you’ll see a message that says they’ve blocked you. You won’t be able to message them, leave feedback, or view their gig. Basically, everything that was there before will be gone.

Why Would Someone Block You?

There are a few reasons why someone might block you. Maybe you didn’t deliver the work on time, or maybe the buyer wasn’t happy with what you delivered. If you did something that violated Fiverr’s terms of service, that could also be a reason.

PRO TIP: If someone blocks you on Fiverr, it means they no longer want to communicate with you. This could be for a number of reasons, such as if you were being rude or disrespectful, if you were sending too many messages, or if the person simply doesn’t want to talk to you anymore. If you are blocked, you will no longer be able to message the person or see their profile.

It’s also possible that the buyer simply changed their mind about using Fiverr. If they blocked you and then created a new account, they wouldn’t have to worry about you contacting them.

What Can You Do If You’re Blocked?

If you think being blocked was a mistake, the first thing you should do is try to contact the buyer. Send them a message and explain what happened. They might unblock you if they understand what happened.

If that doesn’t work, your next step is to reach out to Fiverr support. Explain what happened and why you think being blocked was a mistake. They may be able to help resolve the issue.

Being blocked on Fiverr can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of the world. There are a few things you can do if someone blocks you on Fiverr.

The first thing you should do is try to contact the buyer and explain what happened. If that doesn’t work, reach out to Fiverr support and explain your situation.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.