Web Development » UpWork » Can Students Work on UpWork?

Can Students Work on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:55 pm

There are a number of students who are currently working on UpWork. While there are some who have found success, others have not been so fortunate. Here’s a look at both sides of the coin to help you decide if UpWork is right for you as a student.

On the one hand, there are students who have been able to find good-paying jobs on UpWork. These students typically have skills that are in high demand, such as web development or graphic design. If you have skills that employers are looking for, you stand a good chance of finding work on UpWork.

PRO TIP: Students should be aware that working on Upwork may not be in their best interest. While the site offers a variety of opportunities, many of these gigs are low-paying and may not provide the kind of experience students are looking for. In addition, the site takes a 20% fee from most earnings, so students will likely only take home a small fraction of what they earn. Finally, because the site is mostly used by businesses, there is a risk that students could be taken advantage of by clients who are looking for cheap labor.

On the other hand, there are students who have not had much luck with UpWork. These students usually don’t have any special skills that employers are looking for. As a result, they end up competing against other freelancers who do have these skills, and they often lose out on jobs.

So, should you work on UpWork as a student? It really depends on your situation.

If you have in-demand skills, you stands good chance of finding work. However, if you don’t have any special skills, you may want to look elsewhere for freelancing opportunities.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.