Web Design » Canva » Can Team Members See My Designs in Canva?

Can Team Members See My Designs in Canva?

Last updated on December 12, 2022 @ 3:49 pm

As a design platform, Canva is all about giving users the ability to create beautiful imagery for their projects. Canva have a range of features and tools to help users achieve their vision, including the ability to share designs with team members.

But what exactly does that mean? Can team members see your designs in Canva?

The answer is yes! When you add a team member to your account, they’ll be able to access all of your designs, both past, and present. They can also leave comments on individual designs, which can be helpful when you’re collaborating on a project.

Of course, you always have the ability to control who can see your designs. If you want to keep your work private, you can simply set your account to “Private mode.” This will prevent anyone who isn’t logged into your account from viewing your designs.

In short, team members can see your designs in Canva, but you always have the option to keep them private if you prefer.

Creating a Canva Account

The first step towards utilizing Canva’s team member design-sharing functionality is to create an account.

To start, navigate to the Canva homepage and click “Join for Free.” On the next page, enter your email address, select your account type, and click “Get Started.”  It’s important to select the “Personal” account type, as the “Team” account type is intended for businesses.

Once you’ve selected the “Personal” account type, click “Get Started” to continue.

Next, you’ll be prompted to enter your account details and create a password for your account. Once your account has been created, you’ll be automatically logged in and ready to access the team member design-sharing functionality.

Adding Team Members to Your Account

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll want to add members to your team.

This is a crucial step for utilizing the team member design sharing functionality, as team members are required for design sharing. To add members to your team, navigate to your account settings. On the “Account” page, select “Manage Team.”

You’ll then be prompted to enter a team member’s email address (either their work or personal email address). Once you’ve entered the email address of the person you’d like to add to your team, click “Add.” You can also add team members by sharing the link to your account.

Once someone has clicked the link and creates an account, they will be added to your team. With these steps, you’ve successfully added team members to your account and are ready to utilize the team member design-sharing functionality.

team member in Canva

Managing Design Sharing

As mentioned, design sharing is a crucial feature of Canva’s team member design-sharing functionality. To utilize design sharing, navigate to your account settings, select “Team,” and click “Design Share.” You’ll then be prompted to enter a title for your design share.

A title is important as it helps team members quickly identify design shares. Once you’ve entered a title, you can select which team members can access the design share. To select team members, click the “Select Members” button, and select the team members who should have access to the design share.

share settings in Canva

You can choose to share the design share with all team members or select specific team members. Once you’ve selected the team members who should have access to the design share, click “Save.”

With these steps, you’ve created a design share and are ready to begin collaborating with your team.

Features and Benefits of Canva’s Team Member Design-Sharing Functionality

The team member design sharing functionality offers a variety of helpful features and benefits for businesses. These features and benefits are listed below:


Collaboration is the main feature of the design-sharing functionality, and it’s what makes this functionality so powerful. With design sharing, your team members can collaborate on design projects in real time. This functionality is ideal for design projects that require multiple team members, such as social media campaigns, advertisements, and branded content.


Another helpful feature of the design-sharing functionality is that it’s accessible anywhere and on any device. Since team members have access to your account and design shares, they can work on design projects wherever and whenever they want. This is helpful for businesses that require designers to work remotely, as they can access design shares anytime, anywhere.

Customization Settings

Design sharing functionality also offers customization settings that allow you to control how team members can interact and collaborate on the design share. This functionality is helpful for businesses that want to dictate how team members can interact with design shares.

Easy Collaboration

Another benefit of design sharing is that it’s easy to use. Once you’ve created a design share and selected the team members who should have access to it, your team members can start collaborating on the design project immediately. You and your team members don’t need to go back and forth sharing files or sending emails to collaborate; everything happens in the design share.

Utilizing the Features to Take Your Business to the Next Level

The team member design sharing functionality is an incredibly powerful tool that can take your business to the next level.

The design-sharing functionality can be used for a variety of design projects that require multiple team members, such as social media campaigns, advertisements, and branded content. These design projects can be time-consuming to complete, so collaboration is essential to get them done quickly and efficiently. With design sharing, you and your team members can work together in real-time on these projects, which saves time and helps you complete projects more quickly.

Additionally, the design-sharing functionality is accessible anywhere and on any device, which is helpful for businesses that require designers to work remotely. Designers can access the design shares wherever and whenever they want and work on projects from their computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Lastly, the design sharing functionality offers customization settings that allow you to dictate how team members can interact and collaborate on design shares.

With these settings, you can control how team members can interact and collaborate on the design project. With these features, the design-sharing functionality is an incredibly powerful tool that can take your business to the next level.

PRO TIP: If you are working on a design in Canva and do not want other team members to be able to see it, you will need to set the design to private. To do this, click the “Share” button in the top right-hand corner of the design screen and then select “Make Private.”


In this guide, we discussed how to create an account, add team members to your account, and manage design sharing. We also covered the various features and benefits of Canva’s team member design-sharing functionality and how you can utilize them to take your business to the next level.

With these helpful tips, you’ll be well on your way to understanding and utilizing the team member design-sharing functionality in Canva.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.