Web Development » Fiverr » Can We Change Fiverr Phone Number?

Can We Change Fiverr Phone Number?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:49 am

As a freelancer, have you ever wished you could change your Fiverr phone number?

Maybe you’re getting too many calls from buyers, or maybe you’re just ready for a change. Whatever the reason, it’s perfectly understandable to want to change your Fiverr phone number.

Unfortunately, there is no way to change your Fiverr phone number. Once you create an account and add a phone number, that’s the number that will be associated with your account forever.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about changing your Fiverr phone number, beware that this is not possible. Once you create a Fiverr account, you are required to use the same phone number for the duration of your account.

There are a few things you can do if you want to change your Fiverr phone number, though. You can delete your account and start over with a new one, or you can simply stop using Fiverr and use another freelancing platform.

If you decide to delete your account, be sure to remove all of your personal information first. This includes your name, address, email address, and payment information. Once all of that is gone, you can safely delete your account without worrying about someone else being able to access it.

If you decide to stop using Fiverr but don’t want to delete your account, you can just stop logging in. Your account will eventually be deleted by Fiverr if it’s inactive for a certain period of time, but you can always reactivate it if you decide to come back.

In conclusion, there is no way to change your Fiverr phone number. However, there are a few things you can do if you want to get rid of it. You can delete your account or simply stop using Fiverr.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.