Website Building » Wix » Can WIX Be Interactive?

Can WIX Be Interactive?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:13 am

Wix is a web development platform that enables users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of online drag and drop tools. Wix is one of the most popular website builders on the market, with over 110 million users worldwide. While Wix is a great platform for creating static websites, it can also be used to create interactive websites.

Interactive elements on a website can include things like forms, polls, quizzes, and games. These elements can make a website more engaging and fun for visitors to use. Forms can be used to collect information from users, polls can be used to get feedback from visitors, quizzes can be used to test visitors’ knowledge, and games can be used to entertain visitors.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

PRO TIP: Can WIX be interactive?

Yes, WIX can be interactive. However, we do not recommend using WIX for interactive projects as it can be buggy and unreliable. If you do use WIX for an interactive project, please test thoroughly before launch.

Wix has a wide range of interactive elements that can be added to a website. To add an interactive element to your website, simply click on the “Add” button in the Wix editor and then select the element you want to add. You can also find interactive elements in the Wix App Market.

So, can Wix be used to create interactive websites? Yes, it can!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.