Website Building » Wix » Can Wix Sites Be Translated?

Can Wix Sites Be Translated?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:57 pm

Yes, Wix sites can be translated. Although Wix itself is not available in every language, its platform is built to support multiple languages.

You can create a multilingual site on Wix and reach a wider audience.


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There are two ways to create a multilingual site on Wix: you can use the Wix Editor to create separate versions of your site in different languages, or you can use the Wix Language Manager to add language buttons to your site and let visitors choose their preferred language.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to translate your Wix site into another language, be aware that there are some limitations. The Wix Editor and most Wix features are only available in English. This means that you will not be able to edit your site or use most Wix features in another language. Additionally, some text may not be translated correctly, and some images may not appear properly on your translated site.

If you want to reach a truly global audience, creating a multilingual site is a great way to do it. With Wix, you can easily create a site that supports multiple languages and helps you connect with people from all over the world.

Can Wix Sites Be Translated?

Yes, Wix sites can be translated into multiple languages. This can be done by using the Wix Editor to create separate versions of your site in different languages, or by using the Wix Language Manager to add language buttons to your site.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.