Website Building » Shopify » Can You Add a Gift Option on Shopify?

Can You Add a Gift Option on Shopify?

Last updated on January 4, 2023 @ 8:26 am

Yes, you can add a gift option on Shopify. To do this, you need to go to your Shopify admin, click on the “Settings” link in the left-hand navigation menu, and then click on the “Checkout” link.

Go to Shopify settings checkout

On the Checkout page, scroll down to the “Order Processing” section and check the box next to “Allow customers to send orders as gifts.”

Go to Shopify settings checkout order processing

If the option doesn’t appear, you probably need to add a “Gift Cards” product first or code a custom gift option checkout at your Shopify theme editor. To add a gift card product to your store, simply go to Shopify Admin, click Products>Gift cards, and select the “Add gift card product” option button.

Go to Shopify Products and add Gift cards

PRO TIP: If you are considering adding a gift option to your Shopify store, be aware that there are some potential risks involved. First and foremost, you need to make sure that your gift option is clearly marked and easy to find; otherwise, customers may not realize that they have the option to purchase a gift, and they may simply leave your store without completing their purchase. Additionally, you need to be sure that you can fulfill any gift orders promptly and efficiently; if you cannot, it may be better to simply not offer the option at all. Finally, be aware that some customers may attempt to abuse the gift option by returning items they purchased as gifts, so you will need to have a clear and fair return policy in place.

Can You Add a Gift Option on Shopify?

Yes, you can add a gift option on Shopify.


Adding a gift option on Shopify is a great way to give your customers more flexibility when ordering products from your store. By allowing customers to send orders as gifts, you can make it easier for them to shop for loved ones, and make your store more memorable.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.