Web Design » Canva » Can You Animate on Click in Canva?

Can You Animate on Click in Canva?

Last updated on February 4, 2024 @ 9:51 am

Yes, you can animate on click in Canva easily in 2024! Be it on the app or desktop.

This is a great way to add some extra flair to your designs, and it’s really straight forward to do.

Just select the element you want to animate, and then click the “Animate” button in the top toolbar.

where to find animate in Canva

From there, you can choose how you want your element to animate on click. You can even add multiple animations to the same element, and they will all play one after the other when you click it.

So go ahead and experiment with all the different options to find what looks best for your design.

But what if you wanted to animate a slide, how do you select the timing and speed of your animation for a better presentation? Let’s explore that in this article, too!

Adding animation to a slide

To add an animation to a slide, click on the Animation button and select the type of animation you’d like to use. You can also change how fast or slow your animation runs by adjusting its frame rate.

Once you’ve selected your animation and clicked Save, it will be added to your slides.

Selecting a speed for your animation

You can select a speed for your animation. You can set the speed to be fast, medium, or slow.

duration of animation

You can also set the speed to stop, loop and repeat.

Setting the timing of your animation

There are three types of animation that you can use to add motion to your designs:

  • Hover animation – This is the default setting for Canva, and it occurs when a user hovers over your design. You can choose from one of three styles: play, loop, or slide. Play means that the animation will play continuously when it’s activated (this is usually not what you want). Loop means that after being activated, the animation will repeat indefinitely until another action is performed (such as clicking somewhere else).
  • Clickable button – If there isn’t anything else happening on clickable elements such as buttons, etcetera then these will behave just like hover events, except instead of triggering any kind of change within those elements themselves, they’ll simply trigger another action elsewhere on the screen, which could mean something completely different depending upon how complex it gets.

Use an animated presentation to keep your audience engaged

Animations can be used to convey a message and make your presentation more interesting. They can also be used to ensure your audience is paying attention, which will help them learn the information you want them to learn.

If you have an animated presentation, keep in mind that people are more likely to remember things that they find visually appealing or humorous.

PRO TIP: Canva is a great tool for creating simple animations, but it’s important to know that you can’t animate on click in Canva. This means that if you create an animation that you want to be triggered by a click, you won’t be able to do it in Canva.

You’ll need to use another tool to create the animation and then embed it into your Canva design.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this breakdown of how to add animation to your Canva presentations. We wish you luck in your future projects and are excited for more insights into the world of web design!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.