Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Blog for Free on Squarespace?

Can You Blog for Free on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:45 am

Yes, you can blog for free on Squarespace. You can start a blog on Squarespace by signing up for a free account. To start a blog on Squarespace, you’ll need to create a site. Once you’ve created a site, you can add a blog to it by going to the “Pages” section of your site and clicking “Add Page.”

Then, select “Blog” from the list of page types. You can also add a blog to your Squarespace site by using the “Blog” template. Once you’ve added a blog to your site, you can start writing posts by going to the “Posts” section of your site and clicking “Add Post. ”

PRO TIP: If you are considering starting a blog on Squarespace, be aware that you will have to pay for a subscription in order to publish your content. While you can sign up for a free trial to get started, you will eventually need to upgrade to a paid plan in order to keep your blog online.

If you want to monetize your blog, you can do so by signing up for a Squarespace Commerce plan. With a Squarespace Commerce plan, you can sell products and services through your blog. To learn more about how to monetize your blog on Squarespace, check out our help center article.

In conclusion, yes – you can most certainly blog for free on Squarespace!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.