Website Building » Shopify » Can You Build a Shopify Store From Scratch?

Can You Build a Shopify Store From Scratch?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 3:06 am

Yes, you can certainly build a Shopify store from scratch!

There are a few things you’ll need to do in order to get started:

1. Choose a Shopify plan that best suits your needs. You can start with a 14-day free trial of any of the plans.

2. Select a domain name for your store. This is the URL customers will use to visit your store.

3. Set up your payment methods. Shopify supports over 100 different payment gateways, so you can accept payments from all over the world.

4. Choose a theme for your store. This will determine the overall look and feel of your shop.

5. Add your products! You can add as many or as few products as you like.

6. Customize your checkout process. You can add extra fields, change the layout, and more.

7. Set up shipping rates. This will let customers know how much they’ll need to pay for shipping.

8. Enable taxes (if applicable).

This is important if you need to charge taxes on your orders.

Building a Shopify store from scratch is a relatively straightforward process, and there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way. Once you have everything set up, you’ll be able to start selling your products online in no time!

PRO TIP: If you’re thinking about building a Shopify store from scratch, there are a few things you should know. First, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want your store to look like and what kind of products you’ll be selling. Second, it can be helpful to use a Shopify theme as a starting point, but be sure to customize it to fit your own style and brand. Finally, don’t forget to add important pages like your shipping and returns policy, and make sure your checkout process is smooth and easy for customers.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.