Web Design » Figma » Can You Combine Shapes in Figma?

Can You Combine Shapes in Figma?

Last updated on January 1, 2023 @ 8:31 am

Designers often need to combine multiple shapes to create a more complex image. In Figma, this is a relatively simple process. Listed below are the ways how you can combine shapes in Figma.

1. Create Component Tool

First, select the shapes you want to combine. Then, click the “Create component” button in the top toolbar.

NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Alt+K” to do this process.

Figma will automatically create a new component that combines the selected shapes.

2. Union Selection Tool

You can also use the “Union Selection” operation to combine shapes. To do this, select the shapes you want to combine and click the “Union Selection” button in the top toolbar.

Figma will create a new shape that is the union of the selected shapes.

PRO TIP: When combining shapes in Figma using the Union Selection tool, it is important to be aware that the resulting shape will inherit the properties of the topmost layer. This means that if you combine two shapes with different fills, the resulting shape will have the fill of the topmost layer.

3. Group Selection Tool

Finally, you can use the “Group Selection” tool to group one shape with another. To do this, select the shapes you want to combine, then right-click on them and select the “Group Selection” button from the options.

NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+G” to do this process.

Figma will group the selected shapes into one element.

In conclusion, you can easily combine multiple shapes in Figma using the Component, Union, and Group operations.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.