Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Connect Two Domains to One Squarespace Site?

Can You Connect Two Domains to One Squarespace Site?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:43 am

You can absolutely connect two domains to one Squarespace site! In fact, it’s a really common use case for our customers. Here’s how it works:

If you have two separate domains that you want to point to the same Squarespace site, you can set up what are called domain aliases. Domain aliases essentially tell our system that when someone types in one domain name, they should see the content from your Squarespace site.

It’s a pretty simple process to set up, and our help center has a great article on how to do it.

Once you have your domain aliases set up, you can then go into the Settings area of your Squarespace site and choose which domain you want to be the primary domain. The primary domain is the one that will show up in the address bar of your browser when people visit your site. All other domain aliases will redirect to the primary domain.


So yes, you can absolutely connect two domains to one Squarespace site using domain aliases. It’s a really common use case for our customers, and it’s a pretty simple process to set up. Once you have your domain aliases set up, you can choose which domain you want to be the primary domain in the Settings area of your Squarespace site.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about connecting two domains to one Squarespace site, there are a few things you should know. First, your site will only be available at the primary domain (the one you entered when you first created your site). Any links or references to your secondary domain will redirect to your primary domain. Additionally, search engines will index your content under your primary domain. If you’re interested in using multiple domains with your Squarespace site, we recommend either using a Domain Mapping upgrade or creating a redirect from your secondary domain.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.