Web Design » Figma » Can You Control F in Figma?

Can You Control F in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:08 am

Figma is a great design tool for both web and interface design, but can you control F in Figma?

Figma has some great features for web and interface design, but one thing you can’t control is the font size. This can be frustrating if you’re trying to create a design that is pixel perfect. Luckily, there are ways to work around this.

One way to control the font size in Figma is to use the ‘Text’ menu. Under this menu, you can select ‘Edit’, ‘Resize’, and then ‘Fit to Canvas’. This will make all of the text in your design fit within the canvas, so you can be sure that your font size is consistent.

PRO TIP: If you are working on a design in Figma and you need to use the “F” key for some reason, be aware that it can cause problems with your design. The “F” key is used to change the font size in Figma, and if you accidentally hit it while working on your design, it can mess up your spacing and alignment. Be careful when using the “F” key in Figma!

Another way to control the font size in Figma is by using the ‘Layout’ settings. Under this menu, you can select ‘Text Size’.

From here, you can choose a specific size for your text, or you can select ‘Auto Size’. Auto Size will automatically resize your text based on the width of the canvas.

You can also use both of these methods together to get even more control over the font size in Figma. By using the Text menu to resize your text, and then using the Layout menu to set a specific size, you can ensure that your text is exactly the size you want it to be.

Can You Control F in Figma?

You can control F in Figma by using either the Text or Layout menus. Under Text, you can select Edit > Resize > Fit to Canvas.

Or, under Layout, you can select Text Size > Auto Size. You can also use both of these methods together to get even more control over F.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.