Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Create User Accounts on Squarespace?

Can You Create User Accounts on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:48 am

Squarespace is a website builder and hosting platform that allows users to create and maintain professional looking websites. One of the features of Squarespace is the ability to create user accounts.

This means that you can allow other people to login to your Squarespace website and access certain areas or features.

Creating user accounts can be useful if you want to give someone else access to your Squarespace website, but don’t want them to have full control. For example, you might want to give a client access to their own private area on your website where they can view progress on their project.

Or you might want to give someone else access to your blog so they can help write articles. Whatever the reason, creating user accounts is a quick and easy way to give someone else access to your Squarespace website without giving them full control.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, it is possible to create user accounts on Squarespace. This can be a security risk if you are not careful about who has access to your site.

To create a user account on Squarespace, simply go to the “Users” page in your website’s settings. From there, you can add a new user by entering their email address and choosing a password.

You can also specify what areas of your website they have access to. Once you’ve created the account, the person will receive an email with instructions on how to login.

Conclusion: You can easily create user accounts on Squarespace in order to give other people access to specific areas or features of your website without giving them full control.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.