Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Custom Code in Squarespace?

Can You Custom Code in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:13 am

Whether you’re a web design novice or a seasoned pro, you’ve likely heard of Squarespace. It’s a popular website builder that promises to make website creation easy and fast, with no need for coding knowledge. But can you really custom code in Squarespace?

The answer is yes and no. Squarespace does allow some limited custom coding, but it’s not as robust as what you can do with other website builders or with a self-hosted WordPress site. If you’re looking to add extensive customizations to your Squarespace site, you’ll likely need to use workarounds.

With that said, let’s take a closer look at what Squarespace can and cannot do when it comes to custom code.

What You Can Customize in Squarespace

Squarespace allows you to customize your site using CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. This means you can make changes to the look and feel of your site, as well as add some interactivity with JavaScript. However, there are some limitations to what you can do.

PRO TIP: Squarespace is not a custom coding platform. If you want to add custom code to your Squarespace site, you will need to use a third-party platform or hire a developer.

For example, you cannot access the underlying HTML code of individual pages or posts. This means you cannot make changes to the structure of your site or add custom elements that are not already available through Squarespace’s interface. You also cannot modify the core code of Squarespace templates or create your own templates from scratch.

What You Can’t Customize in Squarespace

Because you cannot access the underlying HTML code of individual pages or posts, there are some things that you simply cannot customize in Squarespace. This includes the structure of your site, the way content is displayed, and anything that requires adding or modifying HTML code.

Additionally, because you cannot modify the core code of Squarespace templates, you also cannot create your own templates from scratch. If you want to use a completely custom template, you’ll need to use a different website builder or self-hosted WordPress.


While Squarespace does allow for some limited custom coding, it’s not nearly as robust as other website builders or self-hosted WordPress sites. If you’re looking to add extensive customizations to your Squarespace site, you’ll likely need to use workarounds.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.