Website Building » Shopify » Can You Customize Shopify Free Themes?

Can You Customize Shopify Free Themes?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:51 pm

When it comes to setting up an ecommerce store, Shopify is one of the most popular platforms out there. Part of the reason for this is because it offers a wide range of features and flexibility, including the ability to customize your shop with a range of different themes.

However, one of the questions that we often get asked here at is whether you can customize Shopify free themes?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can customize Shopify free themes. However, there are some limitations to what you can do with them.

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at Shopify free themes and what you can do with them. We’ll also give you some tips on how to get the most out of your customization.

When it comes to Shopify themes, there are two different types: paid and free. As the name suggests, paid themes come with a cost attached. Free themes, on the other hand, are exactly that – free.

Both types of themes offer their own advantages and disadvantages. Paid themes tend to be more robust and offer more features and customization options. Free themes are often more limited in terms of what you can do with them but they do have the advantage of being free!

So, if you’re looking to set up a new Shopify store on a budget, then using a free theme is definitely an option worth considering. But what exactly can you do with Shopify free themes? Let’s take a look…

Customizing Your Theme

All Shopify themes – both paid and free – can be customized to some degree. This is done through the ‘Theme Settings’ area of your dashboard.

Here, you’ll find a range of options that allow you to change things like the colors, fonts, and layout of your theme.

Some customization options will be available for all themes, regardless of whether they’re paid or free. Others will be theme-specific and only available on certain types of theme.

PRO TIP: While it is possible to customize Shopify free themes to a certain extent, it is important to be aware that there are limitations. Free themes are not designed to be heavily customized, and making too many changes can result in unexpected errors or problems with the theme. It is always best to consult with a Shopify expert before making any major changes to a free theme.

Adding Custom Code

One area where paid and free Shopify themes differ is in terms of custom code.

Paid themes will generally allow you to add custom code directly to your theme files without having to edit the core code. This means that you can make changes without affecting the rest of your theme or risking breaking anything.

Free themes tend not be as flexible in this regard.

Many will not allow you to edit the code directly for fear that you will break something. This means that if you want to add custom code to a free theme, you will likely need to hire a developer to do it for you.

While there are some limitations on what you can do withShopifyfree themes, they are still a viable option ifyou’re lookingto set upa newstoreonabudget.
With some basiccustomizations throughthe ‘Theme Settings’ areaand possibly hiringa developerto add customcode,youcan still createa uniquestorethat stands outfromthe competition.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.