Web Development » UpWork » Can You Directly Message Someone on UpWork?

Can You Directly Message Someone on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:59 pm

There are a lot of different ways to find and contact potential clients on UpWork. You can search the job board, send invitations to connect, and even post a public job. But can you directly message someone on UpWork?

The answer is yes, but there are some restrictions. You can only message a client if they’ve invited you to apply to their job, or if you’ve already worked with them on another project. So if you’re trying to reach out to a potential client cold, you’ll need to use one of the other methods to get in touch.

PRO TIP: If you are considering sending a direct message to someone on Upwork, be aware that this may be considered harassment and is against the site’s terms of service. If you are reported, your account may be suspended or even permanently banned.

Once you’re connected with a client, messaging them is a great way to stay in touch and build a relationship. It’s also a good way to ask questions about projects, share files, and give updates on your work. Just keep in mind that clients can’t message you first – you’ll need to initiate the conversation.

So if you’re looking for a way to connect with potential clients on UpWork, messaging is a great option. Just remember that you’ll need to take the first step and reach out first.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.