Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Do Animations on Squarespace?

Can You Do Animations on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:45 am

Squarespace is a popular website builder that allows users to create beautiful websites without having to learn coding. One of the features that makes Squarespace so popular is its drag-and-drop interface, which makes it easy to create custom designs.

One thing that you may be wondering about is whether or not you can create animations on Squarespace. The answer is yes! Squarespace provides an easy-to-use platform for creating animations.

Here are some tips for creating animations on Squarespace:

1. Use the built-in animation editor: Squarespace’s animation editor is located in the “Design” tab of the website builder. To access it, simply click on the “Animation” option.

2. Choose your animation style: There are four different animation styles to choose from: “Fade In”, “Slide In”, “Zoom In”, and “Rotate In”. Each style has its own unique look and feel, so experiment until you find the one that best suits your website.

3. Add animation to your elements: Once you’ve chosen your animation style, you can add it to any element on your website. Simply select the element, click on the “Animation” tab, and choose the desired animation from the drop-down menu.

4. Preview your animation: Before you publish your website, be sure to preview your animation to make sure it looks the way you want it to. To do this, simply click on the “Preview” button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Creating animations on Squarespace is easy and fun! With a little bit of creativity, you can add some pizzazz to your website that will make it stand out from the rest.

PRO TIP: Squarespace is not a particularly animation-friendly platform. If you’re hoping to use Squarespace to create an animated website, you may be disappointed with the results. The platform is better suited for static content.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.