Website Building » Weebly » Can You Embed Vimeo on Weebly?

Can You Embed Vimeo on Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:58 pm

If you’re looking to add a little extra flair to your Weebly site, you may be wondering if you can embed a Vimeo video. The good news is that yes, you can! Here’s how:

First, log in to your Vimeo account and navigate to the video you want to embed on your Weebly site. Under the “Share” tab, click on the “Embed” option.

On the next page, you’ll see a few different options for customizing your embedded video. For example, you can choose whether or not to display the video title and player controls.

When you’re satisfied with your choices, copy the code in the box labeled “Copy Embed Code. ”

PRO TIP: While it is possible to embed Vimeo videos on a Weebly site, doing so may result in unwanted advertising appearing on your site. Additionally, Weebly’s terms of service do not allow for the embedding of videos from sites that contain explicit or offensive content.

Next, log in to your Weebly account and navigate to the page where you want to embed your video. Click on the “Edit” button and then click on the “Add Element” button.

In the “Media” section of the Weebly Elements menu, click on the “Video” option. Then, paste the code you copied from Vimeo into the box labeled “Embed Code.” Finally, click on the “Save & Exit” button.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully embedded a Vimeo video on your Weebly site.

You can easily embed a Vimeo video on your Weebly site by following the steps outlined in this article. Simply log in to your Vimeo account, navigate to the video you want to embed, and copy the code from the “Embed” option under the “Share” tab. Next, log in to your Weebly account and navigate to the page where you want to add your video.

Click on the “Edit” button and then click on the “Add Element” button. In the “Media” section of the Weebly Elements menu, click on the “Video” option and paste your code into the “Embed Code” box. Finally, click on

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.