Web Development » UpWork » Can You Have a Client and Freelancer Account on UpWork?

Can You Have a Client and Freelancer Account on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:00 pm

As a freelancer, you’re always looking for ways to build your client base and get more work. You may be wondering if you can have a client and freelancer account on UpWork.

The answer is yes! You can have both a client and freelancer account on UpWork.

This can be beneficial because it allows you to build your client base while also getting work as a freelancer.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to have both a client and freelancer account on UpWork. First, you’ll need to create two separate profiles – one for your client account and one for your freelancer account.

This ensures that your clients only see the work you’ve done as a freelancer, and vice versa.

PRO TIP: If you have a client and freelancer account on Upwork, you may be violating Upwork’s terms of service. Having multiple accounts on Upwork is against the terms of service and may result in your accounts being suspended or terminated.

Second, when you’re bidding on projects as a freelancer, be sure to only bid on projects that you’re qualified for and have the skillset to complete. If you’re not sure if you’re qualified for a project, reach out to the client directly and ask.

Lastly, remember that communication is key when working with clients. Whether you’re communicating via UpWork’s messaging system or another method, always be professional and responsive to your clients’ needs.

In conclusion, having both a client and freelancer account on UpWork can be beneficial because it allows you to build your client base while also getting work as a freelancer. Just be sure to keep a few things in mind, such as creating separate profiles, bidding only on projects you’re qualified for, and maintaining communication with your clients.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.