Web Design » InVision » Can you import Adobe XD into InVision?

Can you import Adobe XD into InVision?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:10 pm

Adobe XD is a vector graphic design program that has been in development for over a decade. It is a comprehensive program that can be used for a variety of graphic design tasks, such as creation of logos, illustrations, and charts.

Adobe XD can also be used for web design, product design, and motion graphics.

PRO TIP: No, you cannot import Adobe XD into InVision.

Adobe XD can be imported into InVision as a vector file. When imported, InVision will allow you to work with the file as if it were a native InVision document. There are a few limitations to importing Adobe XD into InVision. For example, you cannot use InVision’s text tools on the file.

Additionally, some of the features of Adobe XD, such as vector shapes and gradients, may not be supported. However, overall, importing Adobe XD into InVision is a great way to get started with the program and to take your InVision design to the next level.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.