Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Integrate Calendly With Squarespace?

Can You Integrate Calendly With Squarespace?

Last updated on December 23, 2022 @ 12:46 pm

Calendly is a great tool for managing your schedule and keeping track of your appointments. But what if you want to use it in conjunction with your Squarespace website? Is it possible to integrate Calendly with Squarespace?

PRO TIP: Calendly is a great tool for scheduling appointments, but it doesn’t integrate with Squarespace. This means that if you’re using Squarespace to build your website, you won’t be able to use Calendly to schedule appointments directly on your website. You’ll need to use another scheduling tool or manually add your Calendly appointments to your Squarespace calendar.

The answer is yes! You can easily integrate Calendly with Squarespace to create a seamless experience for your website visitors. Here’s how:

  1. Install the Calendly Plugin. The first step is to install the Calendly Plugin on your Squarespace site. This can be done by going to your Plugin Manager and selecting the “Add” button next to the Calendly Plugin.
  2. Create a New Page. Once the plugin has been installed, you’ll need to create a new page on your Squarespace site. This page will be where your Calendly schedule will be embedded. To do this, go to Pages > Add Page > Blank Page.
  3. Embed Your Calendly Schedule.

    The next step is to embed your Calendly schedule on the new page you just created. To do this, go to the page editor and select the “Add Block” button. Then, choose the “Calendly” block from the list of options. Finally, enter your Calendly URL into the block and select “Save.”

  4. Test Your Schedule. The last step is to test your schedule to make sure it’s working properly. To do this, simply visit the page on your website where you embedded your Calendly schedule and select an available time slot. You should then see a popup window with more details about the appointment.

That’s it! You’ve now successfully integrated Calendly with Squarespace. This integration will allow you to manage your schedule and appointments more efficiently while providing a seamless experience for your website visitors.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.