Website Building » Wix » Can You Make Columns in Wix?

Can You Make Columns in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:23 am

Columns are a great way to organize content on your website. You can use them to create a grid layout, or to simply group together related information.

Wix makes it easy to add columns to your website, and there are a few different ways you can go about doing it.


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1. Adding Columns with the Wix Editor

The first way you can add columns to your Wix website is by using the Wix Editor.

To do this, simply click on the “Add” button in the left-hand sidebar and then select “Columns” from the list of options.

Once you’ve added the columns element to your page, you can start customizing it to suit your needs. First, decide how many columns you want to create.

You can choose from two, three, or four column layouts. Then, use the “Content” and “Settings” tabs to add content to your columns and customize their look and feel.

2. Adding Columns with the Wix Corvid

If you’re looking for more control over your column layout, or if you want to add dynamic content to your columns, then you can use the Wix Corvid platform. Corvid is a powerful development platform that allows you to add custom code to your Wix website.

To add columns with Corvid, simply open the “Add” panel and select “Code” from the list of options. Then, use the Corvid code editor to add your column HTML code. Once you’ve added your code, you can preview it in the preview pane and then publish it live on your website.

PRO TIP: While Wix does allow you to create columns in your site’s design, it is important to be aware that this is not always the best option for your site. Columns can make your site look cluttered and can be difficult to read. If you are planning on using columns in your design, be sure to use them sparingly and only in areas where they will enhance your site’s look and feel.

3. Adding Columns with a Third-Party Plugin

If you want even more control over your column layouts, or if you need a specific type of column that isn’t available in the Wix Editor or Corvid, then you can use a third-party plugin. There are a number of different plugins available that allow you to add columns to your website.


Can You Make Columns in Wix?Yes, there are several ways that you can go about adding columns

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.