Web Development » UpWork » Can you message freelancers on UpWork?

Can you message freelancers on UpWork?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:23 pm

There are many reasons why people might want to message freelancers on UpWork. Perhaps you need a specific skill set or service and you can’t find it anywhere else.

Maybe you’re trying to find a specific freelancer to work on a project together. Or maybe you’re just curious about what they’re like!.

In any case, it’s a good idea to message freelancers on UpWork before beginning a project to get a sense of their availability and to see if they’re interested in working with you. Here are some tips for messaging freelancers on UpWork:

1. Make sure you have their contact information.

Freelancers on UpWork usually have their contact information listed on their profiles, so make sure you have it before messaging them. You can find their contact information by clicking on their name in the “People” section of the UpWork interface, or by searching for it on the site.

2. Introduce yourself.

When you message a freelancer on UpWork, it’s important to introduce yourself. This gives the freelancer a sense of who you are and what you’re looking for.

You can do this by writing a quick message or by leaving a comment on their profile.

PRO TIP: When messaging freelancers on Upwork, be aware that some of them may be scam artists. Before sending any money, be sure to check the freelancer’s reviews and ratings to see if they are reputable. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

3. Explain why you’re messaging them.

If you’re messaging a freelancer because you need their services, be sure to explain that in your message. This will help the freelancer understand why you’re contacting them and help them decide if they want to work with you.

4. Ask if they’re interested in working on your project.

If the freelancer is interested in working on your project, they’ll likely respond with a message of their own. Ask them if they’re available to start working on your project right away, and if they have any questions about your project or about the work itself.

5. Thank the freelancer for their time.

Once you’ve completed your message with the freelancer, it’s important to thank them for their time. This way, the freelancer knows that you respect their time and that you’re not just trying to take advantage of them.


Messingaged freelancers on UpWork can be a great way to find the specific skills or services you need for your project. It’s important to be polite and respectful when messaging them, and to make sure that you have the right information about the freelancer before starting a project. Thanks for reading!.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.