Web Development » UpWork » Can You Pause a Contract on UpWork?

Can You Pause a Contract on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:32 pm

As a freelancer, you may find that you need to take a break from work for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’ve been freelancing for a while and you’re burned out. Maybe you have another job and you can’t keep up the freelancing work on top of that.

Maybe you’re taking care of a sick relative or going on vacation. Whatever the reason, you may be wondering if it’s possible to put your contract on pause on UpWork.

The answer is: it depends. If you have an hourly contract, then yes, you can put the contract on pause.

Your client will be notified that you are taking a break and they will not be charged for any work that you do not complete during that time. However, if you have a fixed-price contract, then the situation is a bit more complicated.

With a fixed-price contract, pausing the contract is not an option. However, you can still take a break from the project if you need to. You will just need to communicate with your client about it.

Let them know why you need to take a break and for how long. They may be understanding and give you the time off that you need. Or, they may decide that they would rather find someone else to complete the project.

In either case, it’s important to be upfront with your client about your situation. If you’re honest with them about why you need to take a break, they’ll be more likely to be understanding. So, if you find yourself in need of a break from your UpWork contract, don’t hesitate to reach out to your client and let them know what’s going on.

Can You Pause a Contract on UpWork?

As a freelancer, there may come a time when you need to take a break from work for one reason or another.

Ifyou have an hourly contract, then you can put the contract on pause. Your client will be notified that you are taking a break.

They will not be charged for any work you do not complete during that time.

However, if:

  • you have

a fixed-price contract, thenthe situation is a bit more complicated.

With a fixed-price contract, pausing the contract is not an option. However, you can still take a break from the project if you need to.

You will just need to communicate with your client about it.
Let them know why you need to take a break and for how long.
They may be understanding and give you the time off that you need.
Or, they may decide that they would rather find someone else to complete the project.

PRO TIP: If you are considering pausing a contract on Upwork, please be aware that this may have implications for both you and the client. Pausing a contract may result in the client being unable to access their account or files, and may also impact your ability to communicate with the client or receive payments. If you are unsure about whether pausing a contract is the right decision for you, we recommend speaking to an Upwork customer support representative before taking any action.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.