Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Remove the Footer in Squarespace?

Can You Remove the Footer in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 23, 2022 @ 12:47 pm

There are a few different ways that you can go about removing the footer in Squarespace. One way is to simply delete the footer content from your site. Another way is to hide the footer content by using CSS.

If you want to remove the footer completely, you will need to edit your site’s code. To do this, you will need to access your site’s code through the Custom CSS tab under Settings. Once you have accessed your code, you will need to delete the following lines of code:

#footer, #footer-inner {
display: none;

Once you have deleted these lines of code, you will need to save your changes and then refresh your page. Your footer should now be gone.

PRO TIP: Warning:

Removing the footer in Squarespace can result in unpredictable behavior and may cause problems with your site. We recommend that you leave the footer intact and only make changes to it if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing.

If you want to hide the footer content but still keep the footer itself, you can use CSS to do this. Once you have accessed your code, you will need to add the following lines of code:

#footer {display: none;}
#footer-inner {display: none;}

Once you have added these lines of code, you will need to save your changes and then refresh your page. Your footer should now be hidden but still visible on the page.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.