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Can You Rotate a Brush in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:22 pm

If you’re using Photoshop to edit photos, you may find yourself in need of rotating a brush. While it’s not possible to do this directly in Photoshop, there are a couple of workaround methods that you can use to achieve the same effect.

One method is to use the Free Transform tool. With your brush selected, click on Edit > Free Transform.

This will bring up a bounding box and rotation handles around your brush. To rotate your brush, simply click and drag one of the handles. When you’re happy with the rotation, press Enter or Return to confirm the transformation.

Another method is to use the Rotate View tool. With your brush selected, click on View > Rotate View.

This will bring up a small circle with crosshairs in the center of your document window. To rotate your brush, simply click and drag the crosshairs around the circle.

Both of these methods will rotate your brush around its center point. If you need to rotate it around a different point, you can use the Free Transform tool to first move the center point by clicking and dragging it, then rotating as usual.

So there you have it – two ways to rotate a brush in Photoshop!

Can You Rotate a Brush in Photoshop?

Yes, there are two ways to rotate a brush in Photoshop.

PRO TIP: If you attempt to rotate a brush in Photoshop, you may receive an error message. This is due to the fact that Photoshop does not support the rotation of brushes.

Method 1:

Use the Free Transform tool.

Method 2:

Use the Rotate View tool.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.