Web Design » Figma » Can You Scale by Percentage in Figma?

Can You Scale by Percentage in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:29 pm

As a design tool, Figma is unrivaled. It’s vector-based, web-based, and has an infinite canvas. But one thing it doesn’t have is the ability to scale by percentage.

If you’re familiar with other design tools like Adobe Photoshop or Sketch, you know that when you want to increase the size of an object by a certain percentage, you can simply select the object and enter the desired percentage in the transform field. But in Figma, there is no such option.

The workaround is to use the “resize” function in the right sidebar.

You can enter the desired width and height in pixels, or you can click on the “lock aspect ratio” icon and enter a width or height in percent.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on scaling an object in Figma by percentage, be aware that this may not produce the results you are expecting. The reason for this is that Figma treats percentage values differently than other design programs. In Figma, a percentage value is relative to the size of the canvas, not the size of the object being scaled. This means that if you have an object that is 100px wide and you scale it by 50%, the new width of the object will be 50px, not 150px.

For example, if you have an object that’s 100px x 100px and you want to increase its size by 20%, you would enter “120” in the width field and “120” in the height field. Or, if you wanted to increase its size by 10%, you would enter “110” in either the width or height field.

The same principle applies if you want to decrease the size of an object. Simply enter a percentage less than 100%.

Can You Scale by Percentage in Figma?
Although Figma does not have a direct scale by percentage option, it is possible to change the size of an object by percentages using the “resize” function in the right sidebar. This workaround allows for greater flexibility when increasing or decreasing the size of an object by specified percentages.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.