Website Building » Wix » Can You See Who Owns a Wix Site?

Can You See Who Owns a Wix Site?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:04 am

If you’re wondering whether you can see who owns a Wix site, the answer is yes – but it’s not always easy. There are a few ways to go about finding out who owns a Wix site, and we’ll outline them below.

The first way to find out who owns a Wix site is to check the site’s Whois information. Whois is a public database that stores information about domain names and their owners.


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To check the Whois information for a Wix site, you’ll need to look up the site’s domain. Once you’ve done that, scroll down to the section labeled “Registrant” – this is where you’ll find the name and contact information for the owner of the site.

PRO TIP: If you are looking to find out who owns a Wix site, be warned that this is not possible. Wix does not release this information to the public for privacy reasons. If you are trying to track down the owner of a Wix site for any reason, you will not be able to do so using this method.

If the Whois information for a Wix site is private, you can try looking up the site on BuiltWith. BuiltWith is a website that keeps track of which technology websites are using.

To look up a Wix site on BuiltWith, just enter the URL into the search bar and hit “Search.” If the site is built with Wix, you should see some basic information about the site in the results, including the name of the organization that owns it.

Another way to find out who owns a Wix site is to contact Wix directly. Wix does not release ownership information for sites without a court order, but if you have a legitimate reason for needing this information (for example, if you’re trying to contact the owner of a infringing website), you can submit a request.

In conclusion, it is possible to see who owns a Wix site – but it may take some effort. The best way to find out is to check the Whois information for the domain name. If that doesn’t work, you can try BuiltWith or contacting Wix directly.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.