Website Building » WooCommerce » Can You Sell Videos on WooCommerce?

Can You Sell Videos on WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:35 pm

Yes, you can sell videos on WooCommerce. You can use the WooCommerce plugin to add e-commerce functionality to your WordPress site and sell digital or physical products, including videos. To sell videos on WooCommerce, you’ll need to first upload them to your WordPress site and then add them to your product pages.

You can do this by adding a product “Video” post type to your WooCommerce store. Once you’ve done that, you can embed your videos on your product pages and sell them just like any other product.

Can You Sell Videos on WooCommerce?

Yes, you can sell videos on WooCommerce using the platform’s e-commerce functionality. This means adding the WooCommerce plugin to a WordPress site in order to facilitate digital or physical product sales, which can include videos.

In order to sell videos specifically, they must first be uploaded to the WordPress site in question. This is done by adding a “Video” post type to the WooCommerce store in question. After that, it’s possible to embed videos onto product pages and sell them just as one would any other type of product.

PRO TIP: When selling videos on WooCommerce, it is important to consider copyright law and whether or not you have the right to sell the videos. If you do not have the right to sell the videos, you could be liable for copyright infringement.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.