Website Building » Wix » Can you sell Wix templates?

Can you sell Wix templates?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:56 am

There is no doubt that Wix is a popular platform for creating websites. However, is it possible to sell templates on this platform? The answer is a qualified yes.

The first thing you will need to do is create a Wix account. From there, you can browse through the various templates that are available on the platform.


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Once you have found a template that you want to sell, you will need to create a sales page. This page will need to contain the following information:.

1. The template name

2. The price of the template

3. The description of the template

4. The URL of the template

5. The contact information for the seller

Once you have created your sales page, you will need to promote it. You can do this by posting it on social media platforms, by emailing friends and family, or by placing it on your website.

PRO TIP: The answer is no – you cannot sell Wix templates. If you do, you will be in violation of the Wix Terms of Use and may be subject to legal action.

If you have created a good sales page and are promoting it effectively, you should be able to sell your templates on Wix. However, be aware that not all templates are likely to be successful on this platform.

If you are selling a template that is not popular or does not fit the general style of Wix, your chances of success will be lower.

Overall, it is possible to sell Wix templates. However, it will require a bit of effort and marketing to be successful.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.