Website Building » Wix » Can You Ship Through Wix?

Can You Ship Through Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:20 am

Wix is a popular website builder that allows users to create custom websites without having to code. One of the features that Wix offers is the ability to sell products on your website.

In order to do this, you need to be able to add a shopping cart to your site and configure it to work with your chosen payment processor. Wix does not offer a built-in shopping cart, but you can use one of the many third-party shopping carts that integrate with Wix.


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There are a number of different shopping carts that you can use with Wix, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most popular shopping carts include Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce.

All of these platforms offer integration with Wix, so you can set up your shop and start selling products quickly and easily.

PRO TIP: Wix does not offer shipping capabilities for merchants. If you are looking to ship products through Wix, you will need to use a third-party shipping service.

Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in the world, and for good reason. It’s easy to use, has tons of features, and integrates seamlessly with Wix. You can start selling products on Shopify with just a few clicks, and there’s no need to worry about coding or complex setup. BigCommerce is another top platform that offers great features and integrations.

Like Shopify, it’s easy to use and perfect for those who want to start selling quickly. WooCommerce is a great option if you’re already using WordPress for your website. It’s a plugin that turns your WordPress site into a fully-fledged ecommerce store. While it’s not as easy to use as Shopify or BigCommerce, it’s still a great option for those who are familiar with WordPress.

No matter which platform you choose, you’ll be able to take advantage of Wix’s drag-and-drop website builder to create a beautiful online store. And with Wix Stores, you can start selling products in just a few minutes. So if you’re looking to start an online business, or sell products on your existing website, Wix is a great option.

Yes, you can ship through Wix! All of the platforms listed above (Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce) offer integration with Wix, so you can set up your shop and start selling products quickly and easily.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.