Website Building » Squarespace » Can You Upload a File on Squarespace?

Can You Upload a File on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:03 am

Yes, you can upload files on Squarespace. To do so, first create a new page or post. Then, click the “Files” button in the content editor toolbar.

This will bring up the file upload dialog box. Choose the file you wish to upload and click “Open. ”

Once the file has been uploaded, you will see it listed under the “Files” section of your content editor. To insert the file into your page or post, simply click on it and it will be added at your cursor’s current location.

PRO TIP: While you can upload a file on Squarespace, it is not recommended. Uploading a file can cause problems with your website, including decreased performance and potential security risks.

You can also add files to your Squarespace website by dragging and dropping them into the content editor. Simply open the file you wish to upload in your computer’s file browser and drag it into the content editor window. The file will be uploaded automatically and added to your page or post at your cursor’s current location.


In conclusion, you can upload files on Squarespace by using the Files button in the content editor toolbar, or by dragging and dropping them into the content editor window. Doing so will allow you to insert them into your page or post at your desired location.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.