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Can You Use Canva Templates for KDP?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 3:55 pm

As an author, you want your book to look its best when self-published on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). One way to give your book a professional appearance is to use a Canva template. Canva is a user-friendly graphic design program that offers many free and low-cost templates for print and digital products, including Kindle books.

While it’s possible to use a Canva template for your KDP book cover, there are some important things to keep in mind. First, KDP’s Cover Creator tool offers a wide range of templates that are specifically designed for Kindle book covers.

If you use a Canva template, you’ll need to make sure the dimensions are correct for a Kindle cover; otherwise, your cover will be distorted.

PRO TIP: Canva templates are not intended for use with KDP. While you may be able to get away with using a Canva template for your KDP project, there is no guarantee that the template will format correctly or that all of the necessary elements will be included. Use Canva templates at your own risk.

In addition, when using a Canva template, be sure to delete any text that isn’t relevant to your book. For instance, if the template includes the word “Sample” in the title or elsewhere, be sure to remove it before uploading your cover to KDP.

Can You Use Canva Templates for KDP?
You can use Canva templates for your KDP book cover, but there are some important things to keep in mind. Make sure the dimensions are correct for a Kindle cover, and delete any text that isn’t relevant to your book before uploading your cover to KDP.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.