Web Development » Fiverr » Can You Use Fiverr Work in Portfolio?

Can You Use Fiverr Work in Portfolio?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:07 am

If you’re a freelancer, there’s a good chance you’ve used Fiverr. It’s a great platform for finding quick, cheap services to help with everything from design work to SEO. But can you use Fiverr work in your portfolio?

The answer is yes.. and no. It depends on the quality of the work and how you present it. If you’re only showing off Fiverr work, your portfolio is going to look pretty low-quality.

But if you use Fiverr work sparingly, and only showcase the best of the best, it can actually help your portfolio look more impressive.

Here are a few tips for using Fiverr work in your portfolio:

PRO TIP: If you’re thinking about using Fiverr work in your portfolio, be warned that it may not be the best idea.

While it’s true that you can find some great designers and other creative professionals on Fiverr, there’s also a lot of low-quality work to be found. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a portfolio full of subpar work that won’t impress potential clients or employers.

So, if you do decide to use Fiverr work in your portfolio, be sure to only include the very best examples of what you can find. Otherwise, you might be better off finding other ways to fill up your portfolio.

  • Only showcase your very best work. Don’t just throw any old thing in there. Be selective and only show off your best work. This will make your portfolio look much more impressive.
  • Make sure the work is high quality. This goes hand-in-hand with only showcasing your best work. If the quality is low, it’s going to reflect poorly on you. So make sure you’re only selecting top-notch services from Fiverr.
  • Be upfront about where the work came from. There’s no shame in using Fiverr, but you should be up front about it. Include a note with each piece of Fiverr work that says something like “This piece was created with the help of a Fiverr freelancer.” This will show that you’re honest and transparent, and it will give potential clients some peace of mind knowing that they’re not hiring someone who outsources all of their work.


Can You Use Fiverr Work in Portfolio?

If done correctly, adding Fiverr works into your portfolio can actually be beneficial in making your portfolio appear more professional. By only adding your highest quality works and being upfront about where the works came from, you can use this platform as a way to show off the range of services that you offer without damaging your reputation.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.