Web Design » Figma » Can You Use Inches in Figma?

Can You Use Inches in Figma?

Last updated on December 15, 2022 @ 8:13 am

In design, we often use “pixels” and never think twice about it. But what about when we’re dealing with screen sizes that are not in pixels?

“Inches” is a common unit of measurement for screens, whether we’re talking about monitors, laptops, or phones.

Can we use inches in Figma?

The answer is yes! You can use inches in Figma by going to the “Resources” section in the top menu bar and selecting the “Plugins” tab.

From there, search for “figpug units” and click on the “Run” button beside the FigPug Units plugin.

Once the FigPug Units plugin is running, click on the element that you would like to measure and select from the drop-down menu of measurement units the “in” option. Your element’s width and height measurements will then be shown in inches.

PRO TIP: If you use inches in Figma, your design will not be pixel-perfect.

This can be helpful when you’re working with devices that have different screen sizes. For example, if you’re designing a website that will be viewed on both a phone and a desktop, you can easily switch between the two units to see how your design will look on each screen. You can also use inches when you’re working with elements that have a specific size in inches, such as images or icons.


Yes, you can use inches in Figma by running the FigPug Units plugin. Just select the element that you want to measure and FigPug Units will show you its dimensions in inches.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.