Website Building » Shopify » Can You Use PayPal on Shopify?

Can You Use PayPal on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:56 pm

Yes, you can use PayPal on Shopify. You can use PayPal to pay for your Shopify subscription, as well as any apps or services that you purchase from the Shopify App Store. If you have a Shopify account, you can also use PayPal to pay for goods and services that you sell through your online store.

To use PayPal with your Shopify account, you first need to connect your PayPal account to Shopify. To do this, log in to your Shopify admin and go to Settings > Payments. Under Accepted payments, select Manage.

You will be taken to the Payment providers page, where you can select Connect next to the PayPal logo.

Enter your PayPal email address and password, and then click Log In. You will be redirected back to the Payment providers page in your Shopify admin, and you will see that PayPal is now an active payment provider.

You can now start using PayPal to accept payments for your Shopify store. When a customer completes a purchase using PayPal, they will be redirected to the PayPal website to complete their payment. Once the payment is complete, they will be redirected back to your shop.

Conclusion: You can use PayPal with your Shopify account by connecting your PayPal account to Shopify. Once you have connected your accounts, you can start using PayPal to accept payments for your Shopify store.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using PayPal on Shopify, there are a few things you should know. First, PayPal is not a Shopify-specific payment processor, so you will need to set up a PayPal Business account in order to use it as a payment method on your Shopify store. Second, while you can use PayPal on Shopify, it is not the recommended payment processor for a number of reasons. First, PayPal charges higher fees than some other processors (including Shopify’s own payment processing). Second, PayPal is known for being unreliable, with many reports of funds being held or frozen for no apparent reason. Finally, using PayPal on Shopify can complicate your accounting and tax reporting, as you will need to track sales made through PayPal separately from sales made through other payment methods.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.