Website Building » Wix » Can You Use Python in Wix?

Can You Use Python in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:07 am

Python is a versatile scripting language that you can use on the Wix platform to create custom server-side functionality for your Wix site. You can use Python to work with databases, process forms, handle file uploads, and much more.

To use Python on Wix, you’ll need to:


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  • Install the Python interpreter on your computer
  • Create a new Python file in your Wix site’s Editor
  • Add your code to the file

Once you’ve installed the Python interpreter and created a new Python file, you can start adding code. Wix provides a number of built-in modules that you can import into your code to streamline common tasks, such as working with databases, handling file uploads, and processing forms.

For example, let’s say you want to create a form that visitors can use to submit their contact information. You can use the wix-forms module to easily create and process the form. To do this, you would first add the following code to your Python file:

import wix-forms

Then, you would add the code for your form. For more information on how to do this, check out Wix’s documentation on working with forms.

Once you’ve added the code for your form, you can then add a bit of code to send an email confirmation to the visitor after they submit their information. To do this, you would import the wix-email module and add the following code:

import wix-email
email = Email(
email.send(“Thank you for contacting us!”)

Of course, you would need to replace “” with the actual email address that you want to send the confirmation to.

That’s just a basic example of how you could use Python on Wix to create custom functionality for your site. If you’re familiar with Python, there’s a good chance you can figure out how to do just about anything you want on Wix using this powerful scripting language.

In conclusion, yes – you can use Python in Wix, and it’s actually quite easy to do so! Just install the Python interpreter on your computer, create a new file in your Wix site’s Editor, and start adding code! There are a number of built-in modules that you can import into your code to streamline common tasks.

PRO TIP: Python cannot be used in Wix.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.