Website Building » Wix » Do Anchors Work on Mobile Wix?

Do Anchors Work on Mobile Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:22 am

As the world increasingly moves towards a mobile-first approach, it’s important to consider how your website will work on mobile devices. This is especially true for website builders like Wix, which offer a wide range of templates and features that can be used to create a unique website.

One of the most important elements of any website is the anchor text. This is the text that users click on to navigate to different pages or sections of your site.


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Anchor text is essential for both usability and SEO, as it helps users understand where they are going and allows search engines to index your site correctly.

So, the question is: does anchor text work on mobile Wix websites? The answer is yes!

Anchor text is fully supported on all Wix templates and can be used to link to any page on your site.

PRO TIP: If you are using a mobile device to create a website on Wix, be aware that anchors (links that take you to a specific part of the page) may not work as expected. It is recommended that you test your anchors on a desktop or laptop computer before publishing your site.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using anchor text on your mobile Wix website. First, make sure that your anchor text is short and descriptive. This will help users understand where they are going and make it easier for them to click on the link.

Second, use CSS to style your anchor text so that it stands out from the rest of your content. This will make it easier for users to identify links and click on them.

Overall, anchor text is a great way to improve the usability and SEO of your mobile Wix website. Just remember to keep it short and sweet, and style it using CSS so that it’s easy for users to find and click on.

In conclusion, yes, anchors do work on mobile Wix websites and can be a great way to improve usability and SEO. Just remember to keep the anchor text short and descriptive, and style it using CSS so that it’s easy for users to find and click on.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.