Website Building » Wix » Do Designers Use Wix?

Do Designers Use Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 8:52 pm

As a website builder, Wix is pretty popular among designers. Many designers use Wix to create websites for their clients.

However, there are also many designers who do not use Wix. Some designers feel that Wix is not flexible enough for their needs, while others simply prefer to use other website builders or to code their own websites from scratch.


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PRO TIP: There is a lot of debate surrounding the use of Wix for web design. Some designers feel that it is a great tool that allows them to create beautiful websites quickly and easily. However, others feel that it is not a professional tool and should not be used for serious web design projects.

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether or not designers should use Wix. It ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Some designers find Wix to be a helpful tool that makes their job easier, while others find it to be limiting. There is no right or wrong answer, so each designer must decide for themselves if they want to use Wix or not.


So, do designers use Wix? Yes, some designers do use Wix to create websites for their clients. Some designers find Wix to be a helpful tool that makes their job easier, while others find it to be limiting.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.