Website Building » Elementor » Do I have to pay for Elementor every year?

Do I have to pay for Elementor every year?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:37 am

If you are using Elementor to create a website or online marketing campaign, then you will likely need to pay for the software every year. Elementor offers a subscription plan that allows users to access the software for a set amount of time, billed monthly.

PRO TIP: If you choose to use the Elementor platform to build your website, you will need to pay for a subscription. Elementor offers three subscription plans: Personal, Plus, and Expert. The cost of the subscription will depend on the plan you choose. The Personal plan starts at $49 per year, the Plus plan starts at $99 per year, and the Expert plan starts at $199 per year.

If you decide to cancel your subscription before the end of the month, then you will be charged for that month’s subscription. If you decide to cancel your subscription after the end of the month, then you will not be charged for that month, but you will be charged for the next month’s subscription.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.