Web Development » Fiverr » Do I Own the Work From Fiverr?

Do I Own the Work From Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:28 pm

As the site Fiverr continues to grow in popularity, many people are wondering about the legalities of the service. Specifically, they want to know who owns the work that is produced on Fiverr.

The short answer is that you, the buyer, own the work that is delivered to you by the freelancer. This is stated in the Terms of Service agreement that you must agree to before using the site.

However, there are some caveats to this agreement. For one, the freelancer retains the copyright to any work they deliver to you unless you specifically negotiate for it in your contract.

This means that they can sell or distribute the work elsewhere unless you have agreed otherwise.

PRO TIP: When you purchase work from Fiverr, you are not automatically the owner of the work. Make sure to check with the seller if you will own the work after purchase. Otherwise, you may be paying for something that you cannot use.

Additionally, Fiverr states that they may use any content posted on their site for marketing or other purposes. So if you post a gig offering to write an article for someone, Fiverr has the right to use that article in their own marketing materials.

In conclusion, when you use Fiverr you do own the work that is delivered to you, but there are some conditions and caveats that come along with that ownership. Be sure to read over the Terms of Service agreement before ordering any gigs to make sure you understand your rights as a buyer.

Do I Own The Work From Fiverr?

By reading and agreeing to Fiverr’s Terms of Service Agreement, you as the buyer own any work delivered to you by the freelancer. However, there are some conditions to this including that the freelancer maintains copyright of anything they deliver unless negotiated otherwise in your contract with them.

Additionally, Fiverr has stated they may use any content posted on their site for marketing or other purposes. So if you have ordered a gig and received deliverables from it, be aware of these conditions before posting or using them elsewhere.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.