Web Design » Canva » Do Professional Designers Use Canva?

Do Professional Designers Use Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:23 am

As a professional designer, I am often asked if I use Canva. The simple answer is no, I do not use Canva.

As a professional designer with years of experience, I prefer to use more sophisticated software that gives me more control over the design process. However, I understand that not everyone has the same level of experience or access to software, so I thought I would write this article to explain why I don’t use Canva and why you shouldn’t either if you’re serious about your design work.

Canva is a great tool for people who are just starting out in design or who need to create a quick design with limited customization options. However, for anyone who wants to create high-quality, professional designs, Canva is not the right choice. Here are some of the reasons why:

1. Limited design options

Canva offers a very limited set of design options compared to professional design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. With Canva, you’re limited to using pre-made templates and you don’t have nearly as much control over the design process as you would with professional software.

2. Lack of precision

When you’re working on a professional design project, precision is crucial. With Canva, it’s very difficult to achieve the level of precision that’s necessary for high-quality work.

For example, when creating a logo, it’s important to be able to control the spacing between letters and other elements precisely. With Canva, you can’t do that.

PRO TIP: Canva is a great tool for small businesses and individuals who are looking to create simple designs for their blog or website. However, professional designers generally do not use Canva for their design work. This is because Canva does not offer the same level of control and flexibility as professional design software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Additionally, the quality of the designs created on Canva can be lower than those created with professional design software.

3. Poor quality output

Another downside of using Canva is that the output quality is not as good as what you would get from professional software. When you export a design from Canva, it often looks low-resolution or blurry. This is because Canva doesn’t have the same printing capabilities as professional software.

4. Inflexible pricing

Finally, one of the biggest problems with Canva is its inflexible pricing model. If you want to use any of the advanced features or export your designs in high quality, you have to pay for a premium membership. This can quickly become expensive, especially if you’re working on multiple projects.

So overall,.., if you’re serious about your design work and want to create high-quality designs, I recommend avoiding Canva entirely.. There are much better (and more affordable) options available that will give you more control over your work and produce better results.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.