Web Development » UpWork » Do UpWork Contracts Expire?

Do UpWork Contracts Expire?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:42 am

It’s a common question that we hear from clients.

The simple answer is no, your contract does not expire. However, there are some things to keep in mind if you’re thinking about ending your contract.

If you’re the one who wants to end the contract, you can do so at any time. Just be sure to give the other party a heads up so they’re not caught off guard.

You may also want to consider wrapping up any loose ends before you go your separate ways.

PRO TIP: Once a contract is signed, it is binding until the work is completed or the contract is terminated by either party. If you need to make changes to the scope of work or terms of the contract, you will need to create a new contract.

On the other hand, if it’s the client who wants to end the contract, they can do so as well. However, they will need to give you a 14-day notice before terminating the agreement.

This gives you time to find another project or make arrangements accordingly.

In short, contracts don’t expire but they can be ended by either party at any time. Just be sure to give the other person a heads up so there are no hard feelings.

Do you have any questions about contracts or UpWork Let us know in the comments!

Conclusion:So UpWork contracts do not technically expire, but either party has the ability to end it as they please.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.