Web Design » Figma » Do We Need Zeplin With Figma?

Do We Need Zeplin With Figma?

Last updated on November 25, 2022 @ 2:16 pm

As a designer, you’re always looking for ways to streamline your workflow and be more efficient. There are a ton of different design tools out there, and it can be hard to keep track of all of them.

You might be wondering if you really need Zeplin when you already have Figma. Let’s take a look at what each tool offers and see if Zeplin is worth your time.

Figma is a great design tool for creating mockups and prototypes. It’s web-based, so you can access it from anywhere, and it’s easy to use.

Figma also has a collaborative feature that lets you work on projects with other designers in real-time.

Zeplin is a plugin that works with Figma (and other design tools) that helps you generate specs for your designs. Zeplin will create a report of all the colors, fonts, and dimensions used in your design, which can be helpful when handing off projects to developers. Zeplin also offers some features for working with teams, such as version control and commenting.

PRO TIP: There are a few potential risks associated with using Zeplin with Figma. First, if you’re not careful, you could easily end up with duplicate files and/or layers in your project. Second, Zeplin’s export feature is not as robust as Figma’s, so you may lose some fidelity when exporting your design from Figma to Zeplin. Finally, because Zeplin is a third-party tool, it’s possible that it will eventually be discontinued or that its features will change, which could disrupt your workflow.

So, do you need Zeplin if you already have Figma? If you’re working on projects alone, probably not. But if you’re working on team projects or handing off designs to developers, Zeplin can be a helpful tool to have in your arsenal.

Do We Need Zeplin With Figma?

As a designer, you’re always looking for ways to streamline your workflow and be more efficient.

Figma is a great design tool for creating mockups and prototypes. Figma also has a collaborative feature that lets you work on projects with other designers in real-time.

Zeplin is a plugin that works with Figma (and other design tools) that helps you generate specs for your designs.

So, do you need Zeplin if you already have Figma? If you’re working on projects alone, probably not.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.