Website Building » Squarespace » Do You Have to Pay for Each Squarespace Site?

Do You Have to Pay for Each Squarespace Site?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:59 am

If you’re thinking about creating a Squarespace site, you may be wondering about the cost. Do you have to pay for each Squarespace site? The answer is yes and no. Here’s a closer look at the cost of Squarespace sites.

Yes, you have to pay for each Squarespace site. However, there are two different types of Squarespace sites: personal and business.

Personal Squarespace sites are free, but business Squarespace sites cost $12 per month.

PRO TIP: Squarespace sites are not free. There is a monthly fee for each site. If you cancel your site, you will lose all of your content.

So, if you’re thinking about creating a personal Squarespace site, there is no cost. But, if you’re thinking about creating a business Squarespace site, the cost is $12 per month.

Do You Have to Pay for Each Squarespace Site?

Yes, you have to pay for each Squarespace site. Personal Squarespace sites are free, but business Squarespace sites cost $12 per month.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.