Website Building » Shopify » Do You Need a Developer for Shopify?

Do You Need a Developer for Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:26 pm

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to save money and increase profits. When it comes to your website, one area you may be considering cutting costs is hiring a developer to create a custom Shopify theme for you.

But is this really a wise move? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of hiring a developer versus using one of the many pre-made Shopify themes available.

The Pros of Hiring a Developer

There are some definite advantages to hiring a developer to create a custom Shopify theme for you. First of all, when you hire a developer, you have complete control over the design of your website.

You can work with the developer to create a unique look that perfectly reflects your brand. Additionally, because the theme will be custom-made for your site, it will be much easier to make changes and upgrades down the road.

Another big advantage of hiring a developer is that you’ll get access to their expertise and knowledge. A good developer will be able to help you not only with the design of your website but also with things like setting up ecommerce functions and ensuring that your website is optimised for search engines. This can be invaluable advice and can help you avoid costly mistakes.

The Cons of Hiring a Developer

Of course, there are also some downsides to hiring a developer. The biggest downside is cost – custom Shopify themes can be quite expensive, especially if you want something truly unique and specialised.

Additionally, because custom themes are made from scratch, they can take longer to develop than pre-made themes. This means that if you’re on a tight timeline, hiring a developer may not be the best option.

Another potential downside of working with a developer is that they may not have as much experience with Shopify as someone who specialises in developing Shopify themes. While most developers will have no problem creating a basic Shopify theme, if you want something more complex or unique, it’s worth working with someone who has specific experience with Shopify.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Shopify to build an online store, you may be wondering if you need a developer. The short answer is: it depends. If you have some experience with web development, you may be able to create a basic store yourself. However, if you want to create a more complex store, or one with custom features, you will likely need to hire a Shopify developer.

So, Should You Hire A Developer?

As with most things in business, there are pros and cons to hiring a developer to create a custom Shopify theme for you. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what’s best for your business – if you have the budget and you need complete control over the design of your website, hiring a developer is probably the best option. However, if you’re on a tight timeline or budget, using one of the many pre-made Shopify themes may be the better choice.

Do You Need A Developer For Your Shopify Store?

No matter what stage your business is in, sooner or later you’re going to need an expert opinion when it comes to developing your Shopify store further. At first it might seem easy enough – after all, how hard can adding an extra page or two be?

But as any good business owner knows; it’s not always about what can, but what should. This article will outline some key points as to whether or not paying for professional development services is worth it for your store.

>Advantages Of Working With A Professional Developer

>A professional developer will know exactly how everything works together.

>>They’ll also have years of experience in designing user interfaces and user flows – meaning they know how customers interact with websites.

>>They understand how important certain aspects are when setting up an eCommerce store such as speed and conversion rates.

>>You’ll also get access to their expertise which could come in handy further down the line when making changes or upgrading.

>>A professional will also adhere to industry best practices meaning your store will likely see an increase in traffic and sales due to things such as better search engine optimisation (SEO).

>Disadvantages Of Working With A Professional Developer

>The main disadvantage of working with someone who isn’t part of your team already is communication.

>>There’s always going to be an element of back-and-forth when trying to explain exactly what it is that needs changing.

>>It can sometimes end up being more expensive than doing it yourself – depending on their hourly rate.

>>Depending on their workload they might not be able to start immediately which could set your plans back.

>Conclusion: Is It Worth It?

>So ultimately it depends on various factors – how much time do you have? How much money are willing/able to spend?

Are there any particular areas you’re struggling with? etc.

>>If budget isn’t too much of an issue then we would recommend finding someone whose skill set matches up well against what it is that needs doing.

>>Working with someone who already has knowledge of Shopify would obviously be beneficial but at the end of the day try and find someone who shares similar values/vision for the project.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.