Website Building » WooCommerce » Do You Need a WordPress Com Account for WooCommerce?

Do You Need a WordPress Com Account for WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:49 pm

If you’re thinking about setting up a WooCommerce store, you might be wondering if you need a account. The answer is no – you can set up and run your WooCommerce store without a WordPress. However, there are some benefits to using for your WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to turn your WordPress site into a fully-fledged eCommerce store. You can add products, set up shipping and taxes, take payments, and more. WooCommerce is free to use, and it’s one of the most popular eCommerce platforms in the world.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use WooCommerce to sell products on your WordPress site, you will need a account. This is because WooCommerce is a plugin that is only available for sites.

One of the benefits of using WooCommerce with is that you get access to’s eCommerce features. These include things like automated tax calculations, automatic shipping rates, and integration with major payment processors. If you’re using WooCommerce on its own, you’ll have to set up these features yourself or use third-party plugins (which may not be as reliable).

Another benefit of using WooCommerce with is that you can take advantage of’s vast array of features and services. For example, you can use’s Jetpack plugin to supercharge your WooCommerce store with features like social media integration, security enhancements, and performance optimization. You can also use’s Business plan to get access to premium features like an SSL certificate and custom domain names.

So, do you need a account for WooCommerce? No, but there are some definite benefits to using one. If you’re serious about setting up a successful online store, we recommend taking advantage of all that has to offer

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.